Saturday 21 September 2013

Shape Up: You don't need the gym!

health and fitness, burning calories, short workouts from home, no gym workouts, fast track work out, micro workout

Millions of us are back at work after the summer hols and four in five of us have put on weight during our breaks, according to recent studies.

But researchers have discovered it is possible to get fit and slim down without long sessions in the gym. They have found short intense workouts can be just as good for you.
Five to try:: Sports scientist Ross Edgley from reveals five simple and quick, intense 10-minute exercises you could work into a normal day.
TABATA SQUATS: Get into a normal squat position with your feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees and keep your back straight. Then lower yourself as low as you can and return back up to your start position. Repeat this as quickly as possible for 20 seconds.
Then have 10 seconds of rest and repeat eight times. This is a great way to tone the lower body while also burning calories.
SUPERMAN PRESS-UP: Performed much like a conventional press-up but balance on one hand and extend the other arm out in front of you, like Superman.
This places more emphasis on the core muscles. Aim for five sets of 12 repetitions (six alternate arms) with one minute of rest in between.
SUMO LUNGE: The sumo lunge is a great way to train the bigger muscles in the lower body, specifically the ones in the bum. It involves standing facing facing forwards and taking a big sideways step with one foot.
As the foot touches the floor, lower the entire body into a side-squat position. Push back off that foot and return to the original position to complete it with the other foot. Complete 10 lunges on either side, five times.
THE PLANK: This involves getting into a press-up position but resting on your elbows. Hold this for 60 seconds and rest for 30. Complete this five times. If it gets easier, stand more on your toes while pushing into the floor with your elbows.
The additional tension makes it incredibly hard on your abs.
PLYOMETRIC PRESS-UPS: Simply get into the press-up position and try to complete 10 press-ups with a clap in between each repetition at the top of the movement. If this is too hard just try elevating your hand on a table or chair.
Perform squats with the chest stuck out and head up and make sure to go as low as possible [GETTY: Pic posed by models]
Fast track micro workouts are all the rage. And it's all because scientists have found that short bursts of activity can offer similar benefits to longer sessions. Scientists in Canada for example found that 10 intense one-minute sessions could lead to the same changes in muscles as 90 minutes of moderate cycling.
Another study, in America, has found that it's how often you work your heart and lungs that matters, not how long for.
Other research has found that exercising 10 minutes a day boosts life expectancy by nearly two years.
So what else can you do? Try these six activities for 10 minutes to increase your exercise levels and calorie burn. You need to aim for 30 minutes' exercise a day in total.
GET OFF BUS/TRAIN A FEW STOPS EARLY: Ten minutes of brisk walking can burn up to 60 calories - half a scoop of ice cream.
TAKE THE STAIRS: Even if you do it slowly the effort of climbing stairs at an office or car park could burn 70 calories in 10 minutes - half a packet of crisps.
HULA HOOPING: TV star Kelly Osbourne, 28, credits 10 minutes a day hula hooping with getting in shape. It burns 70 calories, or a chocolate biscuit.
DO THE CHORES: Just 10 minutes of vacuuming could burn 30-40 calories, as much as a rich tea biscuit. WASH THE CAR: You'll burn 50 calories, around a KitKat finger. Do it against the clock to increase the burn.
SKIP TO IT: Boxers rely on it - and a 10-minute session could burn as much as 110 calories, or half a pint of beer. Singer Katy Perry, 28, is a fan.

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